
I am where your dark side meets your real heart

In me you find your counterpart

I will be the safety where you can rest your self and soul

With me the universe on your skin will come whole

Drip no longer blood but galaxy

I see you for all that your essence is

Engage your light and dive into love with me

Luck will have us blessed for all of this

Be cliché because be yourself!

She wants to experience all the lives of all the others. She joins in on their hysterical crazes and tries to blend her mind with their outrageous ideas. She does the research to make sure she understands them and can keep up. She sometimes dives in too deep, and what for others was casual leisure, becomes now an obsession for her. That’s when she moves on to another group. One where she can fit more of herself in, one where she feels more parts of her reflected and understood.

I wish someone would tell her, it’s not necessary at all, what you are doing. You don’t have to conform to be able to be liked. You don’t have to try so hard to be still so unheard. You don’t have to sell your soul to open up your heart. You don’t have to be liked to be loved by people who matter. And what would you rather be, liked or loved? Disposable or invaluable?

The most important thing is to be aware of yourself and what you have to offer them. Don’t downplay yourself, be real and be honest. What do you see reflected in people’s faces when you’re with them? What compliments do they give that you got so accustomed to nonchalantly brush off? What do you like most about others? Chances are, that’s what you like most about yourself, only you have trouble seeing it in yourself, so you seek the reflection of it in others.

Go and experience your own life. Explore your own desires and weave your own dreams. Follow them, or write about them, paint them or just tell them to others. Inspire and have hope. Always have hope. Love and despair from time to time, but not all the time (no, not even love). Create and let loose. Suffocate yourself in breathing new things and drown yourself by swimming new depths. Be proud, be silly, be passionate, be noisy and obnoxious, be humble and forgiving. Be thankful and be aware. Be cliché because be yourself!

Unconditionally Broken Hearted

I loved you through all your fakeness
Your lies, your betrayal
I should’ve ended it there
Cause those were all signs
You don’t know what real is

You could never handle my darkness
My pain, my sorrow
I should’ve never believed
The promises you never kept
Because you don’t know what love is

Unconditionally broken hearted
How you left me thinking it was my fault
The hurt inflicted on me
Was never my wrong
How you manipulated every situation
To clear yourself from blame
I should’ve never been this strong
As your weakness proved
You never knew what you claimed
To love me, you only pretended
To know how, but you never knew why


Empty words
And meaningless promises
You don’t know how it hurts
To believe and be powerless

I don’t even know why I care about you
You haven’t really done anything to earn my trust
It’s just the way you are and how you do
That makes me want to be with you like I must
You just came out of nowhere and made me believe
That the feeling was real enough to send and receive

And you claim to care.. but really you don’t
And you want to be there.. but really you won’t

I know you’re fighting yourself over this all
Cause you don’t want to want what you’re feeling towards me
And you can’t willingly let go the control
Cause you’re so damaged and hurt, so fearful of what might be

Don’t want me too close, but afraid to lose me also
It would hurt us both, if one of us chooses to go
You’d be offended if I’d leave
But won’t make the effort so that I’ll stay
Can you just decide please?
What it is you want from me and in what way

On Luck

Anything is possible, if you really want it and try hard enough.
“You can do anything you set your mind to”

Infamous motivational words. I think it’s really not that simple, though.
If you break it down and analyze it, you’ll find a kind of contradicting tone in between: “you can do anything, if…” – indeed IF!

The fact that the possibility of everything (or anything) is tied down and subject to any sort of conditions, does a little damage to the ‘everything’ (or ‘anything’) part.
Especially because the conditions we’re talking about here are not just hard work, ambition and persistence. But first and for most you’ll need a healthy dosis of talent, faith, presence of good circumstances, absence of the wrong ones and of course a whole lot of… luck. (related to how big your dreams are and how high the goal is you’re aiming at). And some of these things can be altered, manipulated or even trained. But luck…

Luck is something so shady and volatile. It’s just the same in essence and existence as is coincidence.
Both might or might not be real, both are completely unattainable and untouchable, elusive to any kind of external force.
Both are so rare, you almost don’t dare, to believe they’re really there..
And yet they form the main basis, the very foundation, for the conditions needed to do and have it all.

Almost impossible. Too good to be true. And still, even if there’s only just a 0.0001% probability, it’s still a real possibility.
Challenged, but real.

My thought of the day:
If you don’t try, you’ll never know..
If you want to break out of a vicious cycle, you have to be more dynamic then the cycle that’s moving around you.